all postcodes in SY5 / SHREWSBURY

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Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY5 6AA 19 0 52.634237 -2.608487
SY5 6AB 1 0 52.63389 -2.604345
SY5 6AD 7 0 52.634518 -2.604576
SY5 6AE 2 0 52.639774 -2.630462
SY5 6AF 15 2 52.640203 -2.634414
SY5 6AG 3 0 52.640404 -2.663725
SY5 6AH 12 0 52.644963 -2.650611
SY5 6AJ 1 0 52.652215 -2.652847
SY5 6AL 4 0 52.649187 -2.660518
SY5 6AN 1 0 52.648474 -2.659516
SY5 6AP 8 1 52.644543 -2.658319
SY5 6AR 9 0 52.640114 -2.661016
SY5 6AS 13 0 52.639676 -2.662118
SY5 6AT 6 0 52.639394 -2.661124
SY5 6AU 4 0 52.639012 -2.661901
SY5 6AW 2 1 52.646279 -2.659274
SY5 6AX 4 0 52.639531 -2.663904
SY5 6AY 5 0 52.624737 -2.6617
SY5 6AZ 6 0 52.6204 -2.660778
SY5 6BA 5 0 52.620448 -2.661946